9/7/2018 0 Comments Fall Group Classes Start Soon!Classes start on Monday 9/10!
Registration is still open. All the classes have made minimum enrollment, so all the options below are available. Mondays 5:30-6:30pm Intro to Pilates 9/10-12/10/18 #58571 $70 No Class: 11/12 6:30-7:30pm Pilates & Stretch 9/10-12/10 #58570 $70 No Class: 11/12 Wednesdays 9:30-10:30am Building Better Bones 9/12-12/12 #59569 $74 ($7 drop in) Register Online Today! www.tempe.gov/brochure For More Information: 480-350-5200 Interested in trying a group class but feel a bit intimidated? or not sure it will work for you? Click here to connect with me and we can figure it out together
Classes start on Monday 9/10!
Registration opens 8/13 for residents and 8/20 for non-residents. Mondays 5:30-6:30pm Intro to Pilates 9/10-12/10/18 #58571 $70 No Class: 11/12 6:30-7:30pm Pilates & Stretch 9/10-12/10 #58570 $70 No Class: 11/12 Wednesdays 9:30-10:30am Building Better Bones 9/12-12/12 #59569 $74 ($7 drop in) Register Online Today! www.tempe.gov/brochure For More Information: 480-350-5200 Interested in trying a group class but feel a bit intimidated? or not sure it will work for you? Click here to connect with me and we can figure it out together 7/6/2018 2 Comments Breathing...It seems like it should be so simple and easy. Right? But, most of us struggle to really get the hang of healthy, effective breathing mechanics. There are so many different ways to do it and cue it, it can get really confusing. This is an image that I find very helpful. You see the person inhaling and exhaling. The trampoline represents the pelvic floor, where our core originates, and the bell is the ribcage.
In Pilates, we want to find some synchronicity or coordination between our breathing and our core activation. The idea of the diaphragm drawing down towards the floor as we inhale, then drawing up towards the sky as we exhale can facilitate activation of the pelvic floor and internal lift. It can also help us steer clear of unnecessary neck and shoulder tension. Want more help with this? Check out these videos…click here 6/22/2018 0 Comments Pfilates!I became a Pfilates certified instructor in April 2018. I really love the concepts and the results they are giving my clients and myself! I have been using the Pfilates repertoire as well as applying the principles to many other exercises in my group classes and private lessons. I’m getting awesome feedback and look forward to exploring new ways to share and integrate the work. What is Pfilates? The Pfilates program was created by Dr Bruce Crawford to provide a more effective alternative to current options for pelvic floor conditioning. Like any other fitness program, success relies upon consistency and ongoing attention.
How can it help me? Dr. Crawford asserts that bladder control is a fitness issue. His respected research and documented results prove the success of this method. Check out his website by clicking here. Are you experiencing incontinence, increased frequency, or urgency to urinate? Do you feel like you’d like to get up fewer times at night to urinate? Do you find yourself constantly making sure you know where the restrooms are? Do you want some help, but feel like these symptoms are just part of aging or you’re too embarrassed to ask? Have you tried other methods and been left disappointed or frustrated? What are the statistics for improvement? There has been a documented 74% improvement in subjective bladder symptoms (urgency, frequency, incontinence) within a 4-6 week period. Once you get the coordination and awareness to effectively & efficiently recruit your pelvic floor and the appropriate co-contractors, it can improve your overall fitness level. Many of my students have been responding very positively and feeling like they are getting more bang for their buck in their workouts. Our sessions or classes seem more intense, and they are experiencing obvious gains in their strength, balance, and coordination. What are the benefits of doing Pfilates focused private lessons with Pippa? We will assess your beginning point and strategize your plan. There are many options, it is simply a matter of deciding what will work best for you. - You could start taking private Pilates sessions with me where we integrate the Pfilates work into each session in order to review, fine tune, and adapt your home practice as needed. You’ll receive consistent feedback, encouragement, and opportunities to ask questions. - You could also come in once at the beginning of your program. You would receive specialized cueing, pick the 3 Pfilates exercises for your daily practice, and create some accountability measures to ensure your success. You would then work on your daily practice for few weeks on your own, and we'd re-check and adjust as needed every 4-6 weeks. - You could buy the official Pfilates kit with helpful tools & resources, or simply add exercises as a daily practice and track symptoms or improvement on your own. (click here) Want to try it? Contact me (click here) Check out the official Pfilates site (click here) Last month, I sent some info about a possible retreat in November. Due to construction at the resort, we have moved it to May 2019.
I am so excited to share this exciting opportunity with you! This Biohacking & Nourishing Movement Retreat in May 2019 is a chance to rest, renew, and upgrade your life with me in paradise. For more info, click below: https://www.inspired-retreats.com/pippa-frame Registration is now open! There’s even an early bird discount, payment plan available, and a special treat for the first 4 reservations. We only have room for 12 participants max, so act now if you’re interested…. 6/8/2018 0 Comments Winnie & PandiculationFor those of you who don’t know- my sweet, old boy Winnie passed away in early April. It was sudden & swift, but I was there with him.
He was such a wonderful presence in my life and taught me so much about unconditional love, living fully in the moment, & pure joy in the simple things. Here is a picture of him expertly demonstrating pandiculation, which I highly encourage you to try right now! Click here for a great article on it. I am considering hosting a retreat in early November in Punta Mita, Mexico. The location and services offered would be an amazing way to get ourselves ready for the holidays and the new year. Click the link below to check it out, the pictures are fantastic!
For more info, click below: https://www.inspired-retreats.com/pippa-frame Want to join me? I’d love to get an idea of who might be interested. If this exact description or timing doesn’t work for you, please feel free to let me know what might. |
May 2024
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