3/4/2022 March 2022 Group ClassesShow yourself some 💞 and join us for an hour of feel good, healthy movement & sneak in all the benefits of unwinding your tension while getting a full body workout.
All bodies welcome💗 We’d love to “see you” there! (6pm Mondays MST-AZ) All levels welcome, I take requests and lots of modifications or options are given. Interested, but can’t take the live class? You get access to the recording for a full week. 12/30/2021 Get Ready for 2022!Hoping to get a jump start on your 2022 fitness goals?
Need some self care options ASAP? I’ve got you covered! My video library is extensive and there’s a handy search tool to help you find whatever you need. Foam rolling, stretching sequences, Pilates workouts, and more. Every class recording from the last few years is also included. It’s ALL in there… If you’re new to Pilates, I suggest checking out the Pilates breathing & core activation tutorial first. Need to stretch your hips & lower back? Try this! You get a FREE 7 day trial for the All Access Pilates Pass, so you can try it risk free. 1/8/2021 NEW! Video Library SubscriptionNoticed anything different lately? After months of work, the website update is up & running! I hope you’ll have a look, there are lots of fun new pics and other things to check out. One of those new things is the video library subscription…. The 7 day free trial is still available through the rest of this month, so please head over and check it out! Click here for all the details and options. 11/13/2020 November Group ClassesWant to take a full, live class with me? Here’s all the info... ![]() Questions about which classes might work for you? Ask me : ) 10/23/2020 It's not too late!!!There's still time to register & join us for 2 awesome events tomorrow. Can't attend live? You'll have access to the video for a full week afterwards.
Interested, but unsure? Click here to let me know how I can help. 10/16/2020 Fall Prevention'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.'
[ Benjamin Franklin ] Let's prevent those falls, rather than spend a lot of time fearing and recovering from them! This month, in Pilates for Active Aging, we will be really focused on fall prevention. It will still be the same challenging hour full of Pilates-based breathing, full body movement, and fun! We will add in some extra attention to: *how we feel and stand on our feet *how we use our gaze or eye focus to help as well as challenge our balance *vary the tempo and pace of our movements to improve our reaction time This class is safe and challenging for all levels of fitness and skill, including those with osteoporosis. (senior discount available for those 60 or over, please contact Pippa for details) 10/2/2020 October UpdateHappy Fall, y’all!
Here’s the current info for online Zoom group classes, workshops, and a new community event this month. I’d love to “see” you at all of them! I’ll be doing some more detailed posts and share more info in the newsletter, but if you have any questions in the meantime please don’t hesitate to connect with me. 4/9/2020 0 Comments Group Classes Via ZoomI received an email from the City of Tempe where they notified us that all events and classes are officially canceled until the end of May. (at the very least) In the meantime, why not try group class with me via Zoom? Current Zoom Class Offerings as of 5/27/20 Mondays 6-7pm Mixed Level Pilates & Stretch For full class descriptions or to register: bit.ly/pps-classes Improve and Enhance Your Pelvic Floor Fitness
(why is this important? click here..) When: Saturday February 8th, 2020 from 2-4:15pm There was a time change- we will now start at 2pm! (please arrive 10-15 mins early to get checked in) Where: Spirit of Yoga 1420 E Southern Ave, Tempe, AZ 85282 Description: Your pelvic floor health and fitness can (negatively or positively) affect efficient core activation, continence, sexual health, recovering from pregnancy, and more. It is possible to significantly improve symptoms quickly by learning and practicing these strategies. We will explore a general idea of relevant anatomical landmarks without getting too mired up in the details. With that information in mind, we will explore and create successful ways for you to engage your pelvic floor. Once you get the hang of that, we will start developing and enhancing the coordination of your pelvic floor, core, and breathing. You will learn specific exercises to work on at home, and these new skills will translate easily into many everyday movements. Men and women are welcome! This workshop is open to a variety of fitness levels, but please make sure that you can get up & down off the floor unassisted. Registration is capped at 20 participants to allow for individualized attention. Price: $75 early bird-registration until January 7th, 2020. $85 January 8-February 7th, 2020 $90 at the door (If you have taken this workshop before, please contact me directly at [email protected] for a discounted price) Register now to guarantee your spot! What you get: - 2 hour and 15 minute workshop. - A coreageous ball that you will use in the workshop and take home with you to allow for continuity in your practice. - Access to online videos to supplement and support you after the workshop. *All purchases are non-refundable. Credit may be applied to another workshop at Pippa's discretion. Register now to guarantee your spot! Questions? click here Classes start on Monday January 6, 2020
Registration is now open for everyone…. Mondays Introduction to Pilates 5:30-6:30 p.m #64852 Pilates strengthens and tones your core, enhances balance and improves posture. Learn the concepts and fundamentals of the Pilates techniques while getting a full body workout. Class starts with a gentle warm-up, evolves into a challenging Pilates mat workout and finishes with a series of stretches. All levels welcome, especially beginners. 1/6-3/23 No class 1/20, 2/17. Drop-in Fee: $7. Fee: $53. Register online: click here Pilates & Stretch 6:30-7:30 p.m #64854 Join us for this multi-level class that combines Pilates exercises with effective stretching techniques to increase strength and flexibility for your entire body. Major areas of focus are the core, stability work, coordination, breathing and relaxation. Prior experience is not required. All levels welcome. 1/6-3/23 No class 1/20, 2/17. Drop-in Fee: $7. Fee: $53. Register online: click here Wednesdays Building Better Bones 9:30-10:30 a.m. #64848 Stop bone loss and restore bone mass. Pilates-based exercises strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and improve balance. Focus on reversal of bone loss, injury prevention and functional fitness to help avoid falls, alleviate pain and maintain independence. 1/8-3/25 Drop-in Fee: $7. Fee: $64 Register online: click here Please register for the classes you'd like to attend in order to meet enrollment minimums! You can register online today... www.tempe.gov/brochure For More Information: 480-350-5200 |
May 2024
CATEGORIESAll Absorbent Products Active Aging Addiction Aerobic And Strength Training Arthritis Back In Action Program Back Pain Balance Beach Body Biohacking Biomat Black Friday Bladder Symptoms Body Awareness Body Image Bone Density Boundaries Breathing Breath Work BUILDING BETTER BONES Bulletproof Bulletproof Coffee Bulletproof Human Potential Coaching Bulletproof Vibration Plate Bunions By Donation Calves Cardio Childbirth Chronic Pelvic Pain Client Testimonials Community Consistency Continuing Education Contrology Core Activation Coregeous Ball Core Strength Covid Cryotherapy Current Mask Guidelines Current Pricing Cyber Monday Diaphragm Dynamic Aging Eating Disorders Emotional Agility Empowerment Falling Arches Fall Prevention Fascia Fascial Research Fascial Stretch Therapy Feet Fitness FlexFit Portal Flexibility Flip Flops Flow Foam Rolling Foot Health Foot Pain Foot Rolling Free Consultation Free EBook Free Gift FREE TRIAL! Frequent Urination FSA Fst Full Body Fundraiser Gift Certificates Gratitude Group Classes Half Foam Roller Hamstrings Happy Feet Healing Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention Heel Pain Helix Hip Hinge Hit Play Not Pause Holiday Deals Holistic Wellness Home Program HSA Human Potential Coaching Hundred Series Hydration Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Incontinence Inflammation Infra Red Sauna Infra-red Sauna Injury Inner Thigh In-person In Person Class Intermittent Fasting Interval Training Interview Joe Pilates Journaling Joy Keto Kiwanis Recreation Center Knee Health Knee Pain Labor Languishing Leaking Life Coaching Life Hacks Limited Time Low Back Pain Lower Back Pain Lower Legs Manual Stretch Therapy Mat Pilates Meal Planning Meditation Membership Menopause Mental Health Mind-body Connection Mindfulness Mind Management Mini Sessions Mobility Movement Breaks Muse Headband Name That Workshop Competition Neck And Shoulder Tension NeuroMyoFascia Therapy New Clients New Prices New Service Newsletter New Year's Resolutions Nourishing Movement October 2020 Osteoporosis Oura Ring Overactibe Bladder Package Discounts Paleo Parkinson's Pelvic Floor Pelvic Organ Prolapse Pelvic Stability Peri-Menopause Personalized Sessions Pfilates Pilates Pilates Apparatus Pilates On Tour Pilates Principles Pilates & Stretch Pippa Pippa's Pilates & Stretch Plantar Fasciitis Podcast Pomodoro Method Post Natal Posture Power Props Kit Preganan Pregnancy Prenatal Pricing Information Productivity Props PWR! Exercise Group Quad Stretch Recovery Red Light Therapy Rehabilitation Reiki REIMBURSEMENT Resilience Resolutions Resources Retreat Rib Flare Scapular Glide Self Care Self-care Self Coaching Self-coaching Self Myofascial Release Self-myofascial Release Self Talk Self-talk Sherman Oaks Shoulder Mobility Sleep Sleep Hygiene Spirit Of Yoga Spring Fling Deal Sprints Standing St. Mary's Food Bank Stress Cycle Stress Management Stress Urinary Incontinence Stretch Stretching Subscription Summer 2023 Sunscreen Susan Treadway Swan Rehab Therapeutic Pilates Thought Patterns Traction Travel TRUE MED Updates Urinary Urgency Videos Virtual Sessions Voyage LA Vulnerability Walking Warm Up Weight Loss Wellness Workshop Zoom Zoom Classes |
13425 Ventura Blvd.
Suite #100, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 |