Last month, I sent some info about a possible retreat in November. Due to construction at the resort, we have moved it to May 2019.
I am so excited to share this exciting opportunity with you! This Biohacking & Nourishing Movement Retreat in May 2019 is a chance to rest, renew, and upgrade your life with me in paradise. For more info, click below: Registration is now open! There’s even an early bird discount, payment plan available, and a special treat for the first 4 reservations. We only have room for 12 participants max, so act now if you’re interested….
1 Comment
5/18/2018 0 Comments Summer Group Classes at KRCClasses start on Monday June 4th!
Registration is now open for everyone…. New faces are always welcome, returning ones too! (If you’re in the group classes and need some extra help, please bear in mind that you can always book a private mat lesson to get some one on one attention and personal corrections.) Mondays 5:30-6:30pm Intro to Pilates 6/4-8/20/18 #58114 6:30-7:30pm Pilates & Stretch 6/4-8/20/18 #58113 Wednesdays 9:30-10:30am Building Better Bones 6/6-8/22/18 #58112 No classes 7/2 or 7/4/18 All classes $59 to register for the entire session. ($7 drop in available, only if classes meet minimum enrollment) Register Online Today! For More Information: 480-350-5200 Classes at Kiwanis Recreation Center
Classes start on Tuesday 4/2/18 Registration is open…. New faces are always welcome, returning ones too! If you’re in the group classes and need some extra help, please bear in mind that you can always book a private mat lesson to get some one on one attention and personal corrections. Mondays 5:30-6:30pm Intro to Pilates 4/2-5/21/18 #56569 6:30-7:30pm Pilates & Stretch 4/2-5/21/18 #56568 Wednesdays 9:30-10:30am Building Better Bones ($7 drop in) 4/4-5/23/18 #56567 Register Online Today! For More Information: 480-350-5200 2/2/2018 1 Comment Chronic Cardio?When I was training to be a professional dancer, the focus on cardio outside the dance studio to stay lean was pretty intense. We were instructed to stay in the “fat burning zone” which translated to moderate intensity for longer workouts. As a result of my Bulletproof Life Coach training, I learned about a lot of new science which has helped inform some new strategies for myself as well as my clients. Everything I do for my cardio training seems more efficient, and my body feels better! At times, it still blows my mind that it can really be this effective in a relatively short duration.
Mark Sisson’s article “A Case Against Cardio (from a Former Mileage King)” is a great resource if you want to know a bit more of the science and delve a bit deeper. He sums up the effects of his approach, “Something “primal” was happening and it made total sense in the context of the DNA blueprint. I was training like my hunter-gatherer ancestors, building my aerobic capacity slowly and steadily without overstressing my adrenals or my immune system, training my body to derive more energy from fats (and not glucose), requiring far fewer carbohydrate calories from my diet, and building muscle with occasional quick bursts of speed and intensity. I was suddenly both fit AND healthy. My Primal Health system was kicking in and it all made perfect sense.” What is Bulletproof Life Coaching? It is upgraded and highly efficient life-coaching, solid presence based techniques enhanced and informed by cutting edge life and health hacks (short cuts to minimize time or effort and maximize effects) Interested learning more? Contact me for a complimentary first session at [email protected] or 602-614-0675. To check out Mark's full article: 1/26/2018 0 Comments Standing Hip Series- Part ThreeImprove your pelvic alignment, glute strength, core activation, and overall balance in under 3 minutes with this simple yet effective video.
This video is designed to follow "Standing Hip Hikes" and "Standing Hip Series- Part Two." For some more quick fix videos, check out this link: 1/19/2018 0 Comments Resolution Reset Day!Set some resolutions but need some extra help and motivation? Natural Grocers launches Resolution Reset DaySM on January 19 to help Americans stay on track with their New Year’s health and wellness resolutions. Click on the link to learn more about their events and big sale. Classes at Kiwanis Recreation Center
Classes start on Wednesday 1/17! Registration is open…. New faces are always welcome, returning ones too! If you’re in the group classes and need some extra help, please bear in mind that you can always book a private mat lesson to get some one on one attention and personal corrections. Wednesdays 9:30-10:30am Building Better Bones ($7 drop in) 1/17-3/28 #56504 $59 Mondays 5:30-6:30pm Intro to Pilates 1/22-3/26 #56514 $49 No Class: 2/19 6:30-7:30pm Pilates & Stretch 1/22-3/26 #56513 $49 No Class: 2/19 Register Online Today! For More Information: 480-350-5200 ![]() Classes at Kiwanis Recreation Center Classes are ongoing through mid- December. Registration for next session started 12/4/17. New faces are always welcome, returning ones too! If you’re in the group classes and need some extra help, please bear in mind that you can always book a private mat lesson to get some one on one attention and personal corrections. Register Online Today! For More Information: 480-350-5200 Mondays 5:30-6:30pm Intro to Pilates 1/22-3/26 #56514 $49 No Class: 2/19 6:30-7:30pm Pilates & Stretch 1/22-3/26 #56513 $49 No Class: 2/19 Wednesdays 9:30-10:30am Building Better Bones ($7 drop in) 1/17-3/28 #56504 $59 Gift Certificates Available Do you want to give FST sessions, Pilates mat or equipment lessons, or some life-coaching to someone? Do you want to put any of those items on your wish list? Gift certificates are available! Contact me for details. 12/15/2017 2 Comments Bulletproof Life Coaching!Bulletproof Life Coaching a.k.a. Human Potential Coaching As some of you may know, I have been working really hard at absorbing, applying, and assimilating tons of new information in the last year through the Bulletproof Training Institute. Well, I am proud to say that I am now officially certified as a Bulletproof Human Potential Coach. What the heck is the Bulletproof Lifestyle? Click here for more information. What is Human Potential Coaching? It is upgraded and highly efficient life-coaching, solid presence based techniques enhanced and informed by cutting edge life and health hacks (short cuts to minimize time or effort and maximize effects) Interested learning more? Contact me for a complimentary 15-20 minute consultation at [email protected] or 602-614-0675. New Resources! There is a new section on my website! It is called resources and will be an easy way to find the products, websites, books, podcasts etc that I often refer to or recommend to my clients. if you have any requests or suggestions, I’d love to hear them! |
May 2024
CATEGORIESAll Absorbent Products Active Aging Addiction Aerobic And Strength Training Arthritis Back In Action Program Back Pain Balance Beach Body Biohacking Biomat Black Friday Bladder Symptoms Body Awareness Body Image Bone Density Boundaries Breathing Breath Work BUILDING BETTER BONES Bulletproof Bulletproof Coffee Bulletproof Human Potential Coaching Bulletproof Vibration Plate Bunions By Donation Calves Cardio Childbirth Chronic Pelvic Pain Client Testimonials Community Consistency Continuing Education Contrology Core Activation Coregeous Ball Core Strength Covid Cryotherapy Current Mask Guidelines Current Pricing Cyber Monday Diaphragm Dynamic Aging Eating Disorders Emotional Agility Empowerment Falling Arches Fall Prevention Fascia Fascial Research Fascial Stretch Therapy Feet Fitness FlexFit Portal Flexibility Flip Flops Flow Foam Rolling Foot Health Foot Pain Foot Rolling Free Consultation Free EBook Free Gift FREE TRIAL! Frequent Urination FSA Fst Full Body Fundraiser Gift Certificates Gratitude Group Classes Half Foam Roller Hamstrings Happy Feet Healing Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention Heel Pain Helix Hip Hinge Hit Play Not Pause Holiday Deals Holistic Wellness Home Program HSA Human Potential Coaching Hundred Series Hydration Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Incontinence Inflammation Infra Red Sauna Infra-red Sauna Injury Inner Thigh In-person In Person Class Intermittent Fasting Interval Training Interview Joe Pilates Journaling Joy Keto Kiwanis Recreation Center Knee Health Knee Pain Labor Languishing Leaking Life Coaching Life Hacks Limited Time Low Back Pain Lower Back Pain Lower Legs Manual Stretch Therapy Mat Pilates Meal Planning Meditation Membership Menopause Mental Health Mind-body Connection Mindfulness Mind Management Mini Sessions Mobility Movement Breaks Muse Headband Name That Workshop Competition Neck And Shoulder Tension NeuroMyoFascia Therapy New Clients New Prices New Service Newsletter New Year's Resolutions Nourishing Movement October 2020 Osteoporosis Oura Ring Overactibe Bladder Package Discounts Paleo Parkinson's Pelvic Floor Pelvic Organ Prolapse Pelvic Stability Peri-Menopause Personalized Sessions Pfilates Pilates Pilates Apparatus Pilates On Tour Pilates Principles Pilates & Stretch Pippa Pippa's Pilates & Stretch Plantar Fasciitis Podcast Pomodoro Method Post Natal Posture Power Props Kit Preganan Pregnancy Prenatal Pricing Information Productivity Props PWR! Exercise Group Quad Stretch Recovery Red Light Therapy Rehabilitation Reiki REIMBURSEMENT Resilience Resolutions Resources Retreat Rib Flare Scapular Glide Self Care Self-care Self Coaching Self-coaching Self Myofascial Release Self-myofascial Release Self Talk Self-talk Sherman Oaks Shoulder Mobility Sleep Sleep Hygiene Spirit Of Yoga Spring Fling Deal Sprints Standing St. Mary's Food Bank Stress Cycle Stress Management Stress Urinary Incontinence Stretch Stretching Subscription Summer 2023 Sunscreen Susan Treadway Swan Rehab Therapeutic Pilates Thought Patterns Traction Travel TRUE MED Updates Urinary Urgency Videos Virtual Sessions Voyage LA Vulnerability Walking Warm Up Weight Loss Wellness Workshop Zoom Zoom Classes |
13425 Ventura Blvd.
Suite #100, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 |