Seriously though, I think we could all use a reminder to love & appreciate the body we have. It is doing the best it can, I promise. I work with all kinds of bodies, with all levels of fitness, all day- and have for years. The human body always responds better to a positive, nurturing approach rather than negative, punitive, and impatient thoughts or feedback.
Aging, chronic pain, and the desire to change can be strong motivators, but sometimes they push us too hard. Feel free to take a moment to reset with some self-care. (need some help with this? click here) Still Feeling Frustrated or Discouraged? 1. Make a list of all the amazing things your body does that you might be taking for granted. 2. Focus on a part of your body that feels good today. If more than one appears, keep acknowledging them. 3. Recognize any unrealistic expectations you might be harboring and let them go! You could talk about them, write them out, or try whatever helps you see them for the nasty tricks that they are. Once you see them for the garbage that they are, it’ll be easier to throw them away. Want to know more about how that could work for you? Click here to connect with me. I offer everyone a free introductory life coaching session. It gives you a feel for what the process is like and if we might be a good fit.
1/25/2019 0 Comments Jumpstart PackagesDo you need some help in getting some SMART goals in motion?
Hoping to lose some weight, start exercising, or eat healthier but feeling overwhelmed by all the conflicting information out there? Do you want to feel like you're living your life with purpose, emotional wellness, and productive habits? Then you will love this new coaching format. 3 Sessions with me One on One Coaching You pick the topic, we set the goals together, we make a focused plan, and you jump right on in! $195 total, $65 a session Click here to contact me for more info or the get started What is Bulletproof Human Potential Coaching? Click here for more info. 9/28/2018 0 Comments A Quick Intro to BiohackingWhat is Biohacking? Although this may seem like a simple question, there are a lot of aspects to this movement of people taking charge of their own unique biology. There are some people on the cutting edge of this movement. While what they are doing is very interesting and will probably influence how we look at self care in the future, it can make it seem like you need to invest a huge amount of time, money, and energy to get any results. That simply isn’t true. If you break it down, it really does mean that you are hacking your own biology. You are finding different ways to improve your human experience by tweaking your environment, daily habits, nutrition, movement practices, and thought patterns- just to name a few. You can go with the high tech route, using technical gadgets and testing as well as smart drugs or new treatments. Some examples would be the oura ring, the muse headband , or cryotherapy. You can also start with a simpler (cheaper) route by improving their sleep habits, adopting a meditation practice, becoming fat adapted (keto), adding in some Bulletproof coffee, or trying some intermittent fasting- then tracking their results and personalizing it as they go for optimal effects. Or- you can mix and match!
Who does it? I think on some level, everyone who is interested in feeling better or living a healthy lifestyle is doing to some extent. You don’t need a huge budget or the latest gizmo to make small, incremental changes that ultimately enhance your health and overall well being. How do I do it? You can try changing some of your habits one at a time, and tracking your results. See what gives you the most effective changes and then keep adapting different things until you get to what you might feel is an ideal balance of effort, results, and practicality. For example, if you were to focus on your sleep hygiene or habits you might start by deciding how much sleep you want to get every night. Then, try setting and ideal bedtime (10pm) and an ideal wake time (6am.) Do that for a week, keeping a journal of how it goes. After about a week, look at how it is going and adjust it so that it works a bit better for you. Once you get that pretty set you might want to look at screen time, how you wind down or get ready for sleep, eating times etc. etc. If that sounds interesting but daunting to do on your own, you can hire a life-coach. Our job is to understand your goals, facilitate strategies to achieve them, provide accountability when desired, and adapt or reroute when needed. Usually, you commit to a minimum of 6 sessions and meet on a consistent basis in order to get the most out of your investment. Want to know more about how that could work for you? Click here to connect with me. I offer everyone a free introductory life coaching session. It gives you a feel for what the process is like and if we might be a good fit. 8/24/2018 0 Comments Who is walking who?“Are you walking the dog, or is the dog walking you?”
I used to have a yoga teacher that would often ask us that question in class. Of course, he was really asking how our mind management was going. Asking myself that question usually makes me laugh at myself a little, and then get back on track if I am getting into negative thought patterns or nasty self-talk. Try it! What comes up? There are lots of different ways to approach this topic, but I am going to try to break it down just like I would for myself (self-coaching) or with a life coaching client. Mind management means that we are managing our thought patterns consciously, feeling our feelings, and working on re-training any old thought patterns that no longer serve us. Our thoughts create our feelings, which drive our actions (or lack thereof.) Those actions determine our results, or next set of circumstances. If we break that down a little or make it really practical, it is when we attach a thought or determination to anything that usually leads us into how we feel. For example, if I am back in that yoga class and I am finding balancing on one foot challenging that day I have a myriad of thoughts that could come along. Do I unconsciously let the negative lead me into a nasty place I don’t want to be?
or Do I get curious and/or kind with myself?
or Do I find a way to be neutral if I can’t get to positive?
Do you see how this approach can be applied to most areas of our lives? I suggest trying to be aware of your thought choices and their effects for a few days. You may even want to journal or take some quick notes about what you are noticing. It can be really eye opening and life changing. Do you feel like you need some help with your mind management, thought patterns, and self talk? Click here to connect with me. I offer everyone a free introductory life coaching session. It gives you a feel for what the process is like and if we might be a good fit. Last month, I sent some info about a possible retreat in November. Due to construction at the resort, we have moved it to May 2019.
I am so excited to share this exciting opportunity with you! This Biohacking & Nourishing Movement Retreat in May 2019 is a chance to rest, renew, and upgrade your life with me in paradise. For more info, click below: Registration is now open! There’s even an early bird discount, payment plan available, and a special treat for the first 4 reservations. We only have room for 12 participants max, so act now if you’re interested…. 6/1/2018 0 Comments Joy: It's TerrifyingDo you believe that there is no joy without gratitude? Do you find joy terrifying? Then you will love this video. “When we lose our tolerance for vulnerability, joy becomes foreboding.” -Brene Brown Vulnerability is terrifying for most of us. How do we soften into it so that we get to feel all the good stuff? In the video, they suggest an active gratitude practice. (here’s a post on gratitude) What have you tried? and what has worked for you? Need some help getting into gratitude or vulnerability? Bulletproof Life Coaching might help. Contact me for a complimentary first session at [email protected] or 602-614-0675. I am considering hosting a retreat in early November in Punta Mita, Mexico. The location and services offered would be an amazing way to get ourselves ready for the holidays and the new year. Click the link below to check it out, the pictures are fantastic!
For more info, click below: Want to join me? I’d love to get an idea of who might be interested. If this exact description or timing doesn’t work for you, please feel free to let me know what might. 4/6/2018 0 Comments Pilates & Rehab SummitOne of my favorite yearly conferences is the Pilates & Rehab Summit here in Phoenix every April. Balanced Body runs the event at the Buttes, so there's so much to learn in a gorgeous setting. I also get to catch up with old friends and usually end up meeting some new ones too. (click here for more info)
As a volunteer, I don't know which classes I will get to attend but I am registered for a pre conference event titled "Plyometric Pelvic Floor Training" with Dr. Bruce S. Crawford, MD. I'll keep you guys posted and post some fun pics. In the meantime, there are some great subs lined up for my group classes. 3/16/2018 0 Comments Fascia!!!!Want to Know More About Fascia?
One of my favorite experts just did a 2 part interview about fascia. It is very interesting- she covers a lot of ground and answers some very common questions in a clear, palatable manner. Here are the Links: Part 1 Part 2 Enjoy! 3/9/2018 0 Comments Warming Up as a Daily PracticeWe all know that warming up is a good idea before we engage in any big activity.
Have you ever considered adding in a quick warm up in the morning to prepare your body and mind for everyday life? Connecting to your body while moving and breathing with intention are powerful tools that can set you up for a successful, pain-free day. You don't have to have any fancy equipment or even do the same exact exercises every day to reap the benefits. I get feedback from many clients that they feel stiff or are in pain when they first get out of bed. I invariably as them if they are doing some specific movements (that they already know) to get their body moving, increase circulation, and ease any pain. The answer is usually no for a variety of reasons. The underlying issue is often that they aren't aware of their control of the situation. They aren't accessing the tools they posses to feel better and/or haven't made the conscious choice to use them. I recently went through a quick warm up sequence with a client who came in feeling terrible, uncomfortable, and frustrated with her body. We focused on breathing deeply, engaging her core, and included 3 or 4 really simple movements in a quadruped position. She was amazed at how much better she felt. She was even more amazed that she already knew all these movements and could have done them as soon as she started to feel stiff & achy. I didn't want her to memorize the sequence we did, I encouraged her to try to remember that she has skills and could use them as needed. Now I'm not saying that a short warm up will fix or heal everything, but I can safely say that it will help you to feel better (on many levels.) Try it and see! Not sure where to start or what to include in your warm up? - come join us at Kiwanis for a group class (click here) - book a private mat lesson with me (click here) - check out my You Tube Channel (click here) - buy a video (click here) Happy Practicing! |
May 2024
CATEGORIESAll Absorbent Products Active Aging Addiction Aerobic And Strength Training Arthritis Back In Action Program Back Pain Balance Beach Body Biohacking Biomat Black Friday Bladder Symptoms Body Awareness Body Image Bone Density Boundaries Breathing Breath Work BUILDING BETTER BONES Bulletproof Bulletproof Coffee Bulletproof Human Potential Coaching Bulletproof Vibration Plate Bunions By Donation Calves Cardio Childbirth Chronic Pelvic Pain Client Testimonials Community Consistency Continuing Education Contrology Core Activation Coregeous Ball Core Strength Covid Cryotherapy Current Mask Guidelines Current Pricing Cyber Monday Diaphragm Dynamic Aging Eating Disorders Emotional Agility Empowerment Falling Arches Fall Prevention Fascia Fascial Research Fascial Stretch Therapy Feet Fitness FlexFit Portal Flexibility Flip Flops Flow Foam Rolling Foot Health Foot Pain Foot Rolling Free Consultation Free EBook Free Gift FREE TRIAL! Frequent Urination FSA Fst Full Body Fundraiser Gift Certificates Gratitude Group Classes Half Foam Roller Hamstrings Happy Feet Healing Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention Heel Pain Helix Hip Hinge Hit Play Not Pause Holiday Deals Holistic Wellness Home Program HSA Human Potential Coaching Hundred Series Hydration Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Incontinence Inflammation Infra Red Sauna Infra-red Sauna Injury Inner Thigh In-person In Person Class Intermittent Fasting Interval Training Interview Joe Pilates Journaling Joy Keto Kiwanis Recreation Center Knee Health Knee Pain Labor Languishing Leaking Life Coaching Life Hacks Limited Time Low Back Pain Lower Back Pain Lower Legs Manual Stretch Therapy Mat Pilates Meal Planning Meditation Membership Menopause Mental Health Mind-body Connection Mindfulness Mind Management Mini Sessions Mobility Movement Breaks Muse Headband Name That Workshop Competition Neck And Shoulder Tension NeuroMyoFascia Therapy New Clients New Prices New Service Newsletter New Year's Resolutions Nourishing Movement October 2020 Osteoporosis Oura Ring Overactibe Bladder Package Discounts Paleo Parkinson's Pelvic Floor Pelvic Organ Prolapse Pelvic Stability Peri-Menopause Personalized Sessions Pfilates Pilates Pilates Apparatus Pilates On Tour Pilates Principles Pilates & Stretch Pippa Pippa's Pilates & Stretch Plantar Fasciitis Podcast Pomodoro Method Post Natal Posture Power Props Kit Preganan Pregnancy Prenatal Pricing Information Productivity Props PWR! Exercise Group Quad Stretch Recovery Red Light Therapy Rehabilitation Reiki REIMBURSEMENT Resilience Resolutions Resources Retreat Rib Flare Scapular Glide Self Care Self-care Self Coaching Self-coaching Self Myofascial Release Self-myofascial Release Self Talk Self-talk Sherman Oaks Shoulder Mobility Sleep Sleep Hygiene Spirit Of Yoga Spring Fling Deal Sprints Standing St. Mary's Food Bank Stress Cycle Stress Management Stress Urinary Incontinence Stretch Stretching Subscription Summer 2023 Sunscreen Susan Treadway Swan Rehab Therapeutic Pilates Thought Patterns Traction Travel TRUE MED Updates Urinary Urgency Videos Virtual Sessions Voyage LA Vulnerability Walking Warm Up Weight Loss Wellness Workshop Zoom Zoom Classes |
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