2/19/2021 All Access Pilates PassThe All Access Pilates Pass is formerly known as the video library subscription.
A few things have changed, besides the name…
What hasn’t changed?
Questions? Touch base with me 1/8/2021 NEW! Video Library SubscriptionNoticed anything different lately? After months of work, the website update is up & running! I hope you’ll have a look, there are lots of fun new pics and other things to check out. One of those new things is the video library subscription…. The 7 day free trial is still available through the rest of this month, so please head over and check it out! Click here for all the details and options. 1/4/2021 January Group Classes on ZoomClasses resume this evening! Not sure which class is the right fit for you? I'm happy to help! Click here.
11/13/2020 November Group ClassesWant to take a full, live class with me? Here’s all the info... ![]() Questions about which classes might work for you? Ask me : ) 7/27/2020 Foam Roller Master Class!Foam rolling can help restore balance to your whole body, and potentially become an essential aspect of your self-care. Saturday 9/19/20 1-2:30pm via Zoom $25-35 sliding scale Register Now! (you must use this link and buy only this class to access the sliding scale option, otherwise it will show up as the averaged price of $30) In this master class, you will explore and learn how to use your foam roller as an effective self-myofascial release tool. When done mindfully and strategically, it can help relieve chronic muscle tightness or pain, increase circulation to reduce soreness, and improve your overall mobility. Things we will cover: - General strategies & tips on how to approach using the foam roller effectively - How to avoid common mistakes and avoid injuries or preventable soreness - Specific exercises with lots of options or modifications for a full body experience - Question & answer time at the end of the class *You will have access to a recording of the class for 1 week after it meets live so that you can focus on feeling and learning as we go, then review the information afterwards.* What You’ll Need: - Plenty of open floor space - I suggest a thin yoga mat, especially if you’ll be on a hard floor. - Some other padding or supportive surfaces around like a few towels, blankets, or blocks. - 1 Moderate Foam Roller (definitely not firm, and soft may not give you enough resistance) Here’s my favorite: Optp Foam Roller- comes in blue or green Here's a solid choice at a lower price point: AXIS Standard Foam Roller- silver Questions? click here to contact me Want to Register Now? click here Info Current as of 5/27/2020 (I’ll keep adding the dates for new info as things are changing quite frequently and rapidly for all of us) Exercise and healthy movement are even more critical during these turbulent times. It boosts your immune system and helps manage stress on many levels. Click here for a great article from the Mayo. Since our world and our lives are in a very fluid and adaptive state, I have tried to create some workable options for maintaining a movement or self-care practice with me. I truly hope we can all stay safe, healthy, and agile during this time. If you have any specific requests, suggestions, or need any more information- please feel free to contact me. Are you missing your usual dose of healthy, feel good movement? Do you miss connecting, talking, and moving with another human being? (I’m definitely missing interacting with everyone I don’t get to see right now) Are you having a hard time figuring out how to incorporate the movement or stretching you need & want into your current disrupted schedule? Are you adapting to a new working station or set up at home and noticing that it may be creating some new challenges and postural imbalances? I’m here to help! We can use FaceTime or Zoom for private sessions. You can even record our session for future reference and use. I’ve created some new options in terms of length of sessions, scheduling, payment etc. for you to try. Please scroll down for details. What is FaceTime? Facetime is an app on apple products for video chatting. If you have any apple device, it is on there! Click here to check out a tutorial from apple on how to use FaceTime. What is Zoom? Zoom is a video conferencing app/website that you can use at a basic level free of charge. Click here to check it out and see how easy it is to join a meeting. Feeling unsure about using the technology? Connect with me and let's see if we can figure it out. Just like a lot of like skills, using these resources or tools can feel way more comfortable after you walk through it or try it a few times. What can you do in a Session? For my Fst clients:
For my Pilates peeps:
Why invest in private sessions?
Here’s a testimonial from a client who has tried using a virtual approach: “I was in a serious car accident (5 broken ribs, whiplash, back pain, seatbelt trauma) in the Fall of 2019. After my hospital stay, I was home and knew that I needed to begin moving in healthy ways or risk further injury and certainly delay my recovery. I had been a client of Pippa’s for several years and knew she was conservative and uniquely talented in understanding injury rehab and body mechanics. So after a phone call, we set up a remote session where I used my iPad. She modeled for me the exercises I should do and then corrected me as I performed those for her. I repeated those exercises daily which helped speed my recovery. This was certainly important for my broken body, but just as important, Pippa’s video session helped me in my mental recovery! Instead of focusing on my pain and getting discouraged, Pippa gave me positive movements to focus on while I was home alone - and the confidence that I would get better!” The Details: 60 mins $74 Scheduling: Please contact me directly to schedule sessions. Feel like you can’t book in advance? No problem, feel free to text me (602-614-0675) as close as the day before or morning of to request a session. (texting is better than emailing) As usual, I will have more options to offer with more notice but I truly understand how crazy everything is right now! How it Works: Once we schedule a session, you’ll receive an email confirmation and an invoice via square. You can pay securely online in advance. I will initiate the facetime call or we both log in to our zoom meeting at our scheduled day & time. What you need: What do you have at your disposal? It’s ideal for you to let me know what you have ahead of time, but it’s ok to let me know at the beginning of the session. I can also make some suggestions of household items that we can get creative with. This can be done in a chair, on the floor, standing, at your desk- whatever you need! The only requirements are a device that allows you to connect to zoom or facetime and an internet connection. Have some questions? Click here to contact me directly. I'm happy to connect and figure out how to make this work as optimally as possible for you. One More Thing... Here’s a link that explains why and how Pilates boosts the Immune System. Interested in virtual Pilates, but not one on one sessions? There’s a wide variety of options, from short you tube videos for free to full workout length videos for purchase, as well as easy ways to join group classes with me. Get more info on virtual options with me- click here Want to help support my small, independent business?
These are very challenging times. The sessions and classes you take now will help ensure the survival and viability of this company and its services. Please help spread the word! Here’s how: - Forward this info to anyone you think might find it helpful or relevant. - Word of Mouth is powerful! Tell anyone you think might benefit from my services. - Help me stay connected. Please feel free to reach out to say hi! and let me know how you're doing. Thanks for checking out this blog post. Click here if you want to connect with me! |
May 2024
CATEGORIESAll Absorbent Products Active Aging Addiction Aerobic And Strength Training Arthritis Back In Action Program Back Pain Balance Beach Body Biohacking Biomat Black Friday Bladder Symptoms Body Awareness Body Image Bone Density Boundaries Breathing Breath Work BUILDING BETTER BONES Bulletproof Bulletproof Coffee Bulletproof Human Potential Coaching Bulletproof Vibration Plate Bunions By Donation Calves Cardio Childbirth Chronic Pelvic Pain Client Testimonials Community Consistency Continuing Education Contrology Core Activation Coregeous Ball Core Strength Covid Cryotherapy Current Mask Guidelines Current Pricing Cyber Monday Diaphragm Dynamic Aging Eating Disorders Emotional Agility Empowerment Falling Arches Fall Prevention Fascia Fascial Research Fascial Stretch Therapy Feet Fitness FlexFit Portal Flexibility Flip Flops Flow Foam Rolling Foot Health Foot Pain Foot Rolling Free Consultation Free EBook Free Gift FREE TRIAL! Frequent Urination FSA Fst Full Body Fundraiser Gift Certificates Gratitude Group Classes Half Foam Roller Hamstrings Happy Feet Healing Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention Heel Pain Helix Hip Hinge Hit Play Not Pause Holiday Deals Holistic Wellness Home Program HSA Human Potential Coaching Hundred Series Hydration Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Incontinence Inflammation Infra Red Sauna Infra-red Sauna Injury Inner Thigh In-person In Person Class Intermittent Fasting Interval Training Interview Joe Pilates Journaling Joy Keto Kiwanis Recreation Center Knee Health Knee Pain Labor Languishing Leaking Life Coaching Life Hacks Limited Time Low Back Pain Lower Back Pain Lower Legs Manual Stretch Therapy Mat Pilates Meal Planning Meditation Membership Menopause Mental Health Mind-body Connection Mindfulness Mind Management Mini Sessions Mobility Movement Breaks Muse Headband Name That Workshop Competition Neck And Shoulder Tension NeuroMyoFascia Therapy New Clients New Prices New Service Newsletter New Year's Resolutions Nourishing Movement October 2020 Osteoporosis Oura Ring Overactibe Bladder Package Discounts Paleo Parkinson's Pelvic Floor Pelvic Organ Prolapse Pelvic Stability Peri-Menopause Personalized Sessions Pfilates Pilates Pilates Apparatus Pilates On Tour Pilates Principles Pilates & Stretch Pippa Pippa's Pilates & Stretch Plantar Fasciitis Podcast Pomodoro Method Post Natal Posture Power Props Kit Preganan Pregnancy Prenatal Pricing Information Productivity Props PWR! Exercise Group Quad Stretch Recovery Red Light Therapy Rehabilitation Reiki REIMBURSEMENT Resilience Resolutions Resources Retreat Rib Flare Scapular Glide Self Care Self-care Self Coaching Self-coaching Self Myofascial Release Self-myofascial Release Self Talk Self-talk Sherman Oaks Shoulder Mobility Sleep Sleep Hygiene Spirit Of Yoga Spring Fling Deal Sprints Standing St. Mary's Food Bank Stress Cycle Stress Management Stress Urinary Incontinence Stretch Stretching Subscription Summer 2023 Sunscreen Susan Treadway Swan Rehab Therapeutic Pilates Thought Patterns Traction Travel TRUE MED Updates Urinary Urgency Videos Virtual Sessions Voyage LA Vulnerability Walking Warm Up Weight Loss Wellness Workshop Zoom Zoom Classes |
13425 Ventura Blvd.
Suite #100, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 |